In today's world there are few things which are made by hand and even fewer things made by hand very well. Each musket, pistol, and accouterment offered herein has been researched, designed, and constructed to historic tolerances by hand using the finest materials currently available. In collaboration with museums, living history units, and film companies I have built early firearms representational of those carried by American and European soldiers and militiamen from the 15th C. until the 18th C. All of these weapons were and continue to be constructed in accordance to repository research and historic specifications since 1990.
The collection of firearms within our catalog are arsenal weapons (those we carry in stock); however, custom pieces can also be create at an extra cost. Cost is predicated on time involved in research and construction of item.
Please take a few minutes to browse our shop and if anything catches your eye or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or write me.